
Over the last 25 years, the company has put various industrial facilities and upgradation of advanced manufacturing facilities which have led to WHO cGMP certification of its plants which itself speak of sophistication which our units have. We strictly adhere to Quality Standards which are meticulously documented. Our faith in TQM, TQS, TQC, GLP and GCP has led to developing infrastructure of world class quality products with world class services.

Our advanced technology machinery coupled with all the required resources such as process soft river water, CNG gas and consistent power supply with back up facilities available make us an ideal choice for outsourcing for various MNCs and domestic companies. We are consistently moving with a goal to improve the technique and production process, develop, work out and master new preparations.

The company has adequate capacity in:

  • Nasal Drops/ Spray : 20 million bottles
  • Ampoules : : 40 million
  • Vials : 20 million
  • Tablet: 500 millions
  • Capsules: 120 millions
  • Liquid: 10 millions bottles
  • Ointment: 6 millions tubes
  • Dry syrup : 3 million bottles

Faith in Quality culture has consolidated the faith of MNCs and reputed domestic companies in our capabilities. We are serving MNCs like Novartis, Sandoz, Abott and reputed domestic companies like, Themis Medicare & JBCPL

Our Quality Control Department and Research and Development Department are equipped with state of art facilities to maintain our commitment to international standards in pharmaceuticals.

We believe very sincerely that Quality only Stands. We keep a strict vigil and close monitoring in every stage of production starting from purchase of raw material to the finished products. We do believe in continuous updating, up gradation of knowledge management in all respective fields related to our world class quality manufacturing.